Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dr. Oz

I like to schedule going to the gym around Oprah.
I plug my headphones into the eliptical machine and join thousands of other women in a daily ritual with the true queen of daytime television.
Has anyone ever seen Dr. Oz on Oprah?
I think I love him.
He has taught me so much.

Last month I learned that my poop should be in the shape of an S, or at least a C.
If it is not curved, does not float, or happen twice a day, I have a constipation problem or am eating too much fatty food.
Thank you Dr. Oz.
Or rather, my bowels thank you, Dr. Oz.

Oprah loves to bring people back again and again. This is one of the things I love about her. She likes you, she launches your career. Dr. Phil being a prime example.

So today, Dr. Oz was talking about acupuncture and reiki.
And he broke it down. Scientifically, a cell is characterized as 'alive' when it has a certain amount of energy radiating in and out of it. Each cell is a live wire of energy.
Healing work, aka, medicine, is about shifting energy cells that are in out of harmony.
This is not woowoo, this is scientific.
So, he says, the next wave of TRUE medicine is going to be energy medicine.
Prayer, Reki, acupuncture, laying on of hands.

I shit you not.
I almost fell off the treadmill.
I actually teared up at the gym.

Ten years ago a Dr. would never have said that on national TV.
The connection between the emotions, between energy that flows in and out of the body and what 'science says' has been ignored for so long, people like to deny it ever exhisted.
If the medical establishment acknowledges this as something integral and essential to healing (instead of on the outskirts where it now lives), if insurance companies payed for healing like this, if there were free energy healing clinics....

I am going to stop, but I feel optimistic today. We have nowhere to go but forward.

1 comment:

adiaha said...

Holla! Reiki featured on prime time....

Your site and blog are looking very good!

Oprah had the guy from the secret on too! Good fer her and him and us...

I hope allis well